

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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Vaccine Madness

You can't really make an informed decision on vaccines for COVID because the data we are presented is suspect. Fauci said no masks, then masks, then double masks, then no masks if vaccinated, then masks again even if vaccinated. We were told that all we had to do was "flatten the curve" and all would be well. Now we are told it is semi permanent. We were told that the vaccines would prevent COVID. We were told it would reduce symptoms. We were told that the vaccine would solve everything. We were told that we need a booster every 6 months. We were told that the vaccine is effective against the new variations of the virus. We were told it doesn't.

Can you blame anyone not believing anything we are told?

As for the current vaccine mandate: we were told that postal workers are exempt; we are told they aren't. Biden promised to push aside any governor that opposed the mandate. The mandate is clearly unconstitutional, and yes I am aware of the case in the 30's. A fine is different than the destruction of a person's livelihood. Biden is clueless, but I am sure his handlers know that it is unconstitutional. But imagine the rhetoric one year from now when it becomes clear that vaccination is not working: "If only we were allowed to mandate the vaccine all would be well." 

What would the usual suspects say if Trump was doing this?

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