

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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Make Up Your Mind

I have been seeing two different memes that contradict each other, sometimes by the same people. Make up your mind. 

The first is that the "good kids" on Tik Toc applied for tickets to the Trump rally in Tulsa and this meant less attendance. The second is that Trump is not popular since he can't fill an arena. Hmm. 

The way the world works is that most people will not read the articles but only see the headlines. This means that public opinion has been shifted to the desired outcome. This is why I think Trump will not be reelected. The low engagement portion of the 25% that have not made up their mind will only see the headlines about Trump and his various mistakes. Low engagement Trump people will get discouraged as he is doomed. Low engagement Anti-Trump voters will be encourage by the "good kids." 

These are the facts as I understand them. 200,000 people asked for tickets more than the seating capacity of the arena. This means that there was no assigned seating. This means that the "good kids" brigade had no effect on the rally. With the virus, it is naturally that many would not attend. There was a riot at at least one metal detector at an entrance, this made entry difficult. As one headline put it, 1000's were not able to enter the venue. 

The manipulation of the facts continues. 

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