

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 

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Who Do You Think You Are? 

I have decided to start up the health series I started before my blog's hiatus. Here is the first blog post in that series. I will repost these every week until I get to where I left off. 

As I begin to blog weekly on health related matters, I thought I would answer this rather obvious question. 

I have no letters after my name–well, technically I supposed I could add B.A. But no, this does not mean that I am going to disparage those that do have these letters. I have seen way too much of that in the religious circles I travel in. I am just a fat person (that is actually more polite than the word I should use, obese) who spent decades trying various methods to lose weight that did not work. I will share some of my failures over the next year that I plan to blog about health, hopefully every Friday. 

Who am I then? 

I am just an average person who has finally gotten a better handle on his weight problem. Am I now ready to be a Men's Fitness model? Er, no. I am still in the overweight category. I actually do not particularly care that I am overweight, as we will see there is evidence that being slightly overweight means you will live longer. What I do care about will be evident over the next year. I want to eat a healthy diet and have a healthy lifestyle, and "let the chips fall where they may"—hopefully they will fall in the trash where they belong.  I am confident that eating a healthy diet will mean a lower weight, but even if it doesn't, I know I am on the right track. 

Since my failures have taught me that sudden radical change does not work (at least for me), I will, after a few introductory posts, give each of you 52 steps over 52 weeks that you can take to improve your health and life. 

I invite you to take one step a week with me as we walk together toward better health. 

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