Everything Is Not What It Seems

I have been urging my readers to leave Babylon the Great since the beginning of this blog. I have been pointing out that our culture, our economics, our politics, our religion, and really our whole society, is a scam. You are being played. It is like the lyrics to the theme song of my 9 year old daughter's favorite sitcom, "Everything is not what it seems."
I do run a risk by saying things like that. The risk is that you will think that I think I am better than you. Remove this thought from your mind. I too am being played. I too am deceived by the system.
We all, to borrow a phrase from the Apostle Paul about the next life, see through a glass dimly. We see the problem, the deceptions and half-truths. Maybe I see things more clearly, but maybe not. Each of us is blinded in our own ways. As that great philosopher Madonna once sang, “Your eyes only see what you want them to see.” I am just as susceptible to this as anyone.
Ultimately all the corruption we see in “Babylon” has an origin.
Here is how the apostle Paul said it in 2 Corinthian 11:14 referencing false religious leaders:
They’re a sorry bunch—pseudo-apostles, lying preachers, crooked workers—posing as Christ’s agents but sham to the core. And no wonder! Satan does it all the time, dressing up as a beautiful angel of light. So it shouldn’t surprise us when his servants masquerade as servants of God. But they’re not getting by with anything. They’ll pay for it in the end.
But I can say that if you do not think about these things you too will pay for it in the end. You will end up a part of the system that will collapse.
Revelation 18 tell us:
Get out, my people, as fast as you can,
so you don’t get mixed up in her sins,
so you don’t get caught in her doom.
Her sins stink to high Heaven;
God has remembered every evil she’s done.
Metaphorically speaking, Is this the world you see? Yes, think about these things, and get out, metaphorically, as fast as you can before it is too late.
If you don't see things quite the way I do, are you sure you are seeing correctly? I have already admitted I too am subject to bad vision. And there is no Lasik surgery for this malady! The only real solution for this kind of bad vision is the spirit of God.
Look at this video. Your eyes can be deceived. Are you deceived right now? Or are you a part of the lifelong process of leaving Babylon?

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