Entries in Humor (136)
How Bad Is TV?

I don't watch much broadcast TV anymore. There are so many choices now. One of the shows highlighted in this montage of shows was one I watched. (Well, I watched several.) Back in the day, the question you asked yourself was not "What is worth watching?", but "What was the least offensive/bad?" Thus the comedy/variety show with two Japanese pop stars that did not speak English, Pink Lady, was certainly better than Dukes of Hazard. You can't imagine how bad comedy banter is with someone who does not speak English.
In retrospect, 20 years from now, what shows that you are watching right now will look this bad?
At This Point in Time, What Difference Does It Make?

No matter who is president, there will be a recession in the next four years.
No matter who is president, the US will spend more on defense than the rest of the world combined.
No matter who is president, US sovereign debt will expand. Right now it is at 100% of GDP, it is going higher.
No matter who is president, the US population will get older and the unfunded liabilities of Social Security, and especially Medicare, will blossom. This might be as much as 100 trillion dollars, five times the horrific US national debt. This is such a large number that no one can comprehend it.
No matter who is president, the unfunded pension liabilities of states and municipalities will continue. Chicago alone is over 100 billion in unfunded pension obligations.
I opposed Clinton because I did not want to die in a nuclear holocaust. Not dying is a good thing.
We have a window for reform. I hope Trump does not waste this window and reforms the US healthcare system. If the healthcare system isn't fixed, nothing else matters.
I will talk about this in the next blog post. Until then I leave you with this version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. The more things change, the more they stay the same.