

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up."

Arthur Koestler 


Single Payer

A lot of Democrats want to move to a single payer system. My guess is that eventually we will. But there will be consequences. Here is one consequence from England:

Hip replacements, cataract surgery and tonsil removal are among operations now being rationed in a bid to save the NHS money. ... Examples of the rationing now being used include:

* Hip and knee replacements only being allowed where patients are in severe pain. Overweight patients will be made to lose weight before being considered for an operation. 

* Cataract operations being withheld from patients until their sight problems "substantially" affect their ability to work.

Why Is Our Health Care A Mess? All goods have to be rationed in some way. In a free market system the rationing is based on price. If you cannot afford a product you do not buy it. Most people are uncomfortable with this in the medical field. But our current system is not working precisely because health care is not rationed in America. Yes, we have copay and yearly deductible, but for many people they end up "eating" all the health care they can, because they are not paying the cost. (This is why I should not go to a buffet.)

No doubt you are expecting me to rail and rant about how awful rationing is, but it seems to me it is just necessary. If price rationing is off the table, and let’s face it, it is, then you have to ration in some other way, or eventually the whole system collapses. Since we do not ration either by price or waiting in line, we are proving this today—the main reason the government is falling apart is health care. The Government pays for over 50% of all medical bills; 25% of all government spending is health care. (This does not include VA hospitals.) Unless we adopt either a single payer system with long lines for treatment, and death panels, or adopt a free market approach, we will collapse. The middle ground we are on is actually worse than either of these options.


Changing Education?

This video states some of the reasons why we will probably home school next year. There is more and more dissatisfaction with our education system. Enrollment is down, even at Colleges. In fact one college is closing a number of its dorms due to low enrollment. This video explains what is wrong with our factory based school philosophy. 


Our Allies Suspect Us

A local daily paper, the Daily Banning Record tells us about the Paris Summit:

The United States' North American Allies are in suspicious and resentful mood toward the United States


Britain will call for closer cooperation in the development of production of weapons


France wants a say in the launching of tactical nuclear weapons. 


Italy still plagued by economic depression and unemployment, her chief concern is development of NATO in the political and economic fields. ... she will plug hard for closer political and economic integration with her wealthier neighbors. 

... Germany wants troops to remain in Germany as long as the cold war continues.

The paper continues:

A top nuclear scientist said this week that he believes that British scientists may have developed  a process to tap unlimited power from the seas. 

Doc Peterson Realty has this gem:

2 bd 1 3/4 baths plus family room with barbeque; HW floors, attached garage, choice location lovely trees; yours to enjoy $12,500, terms. 

On the sports page we learn that Ted Williams is batting .388 and won his fifth American league batting crown. The paper also answers that age old question, "What should a girl do if the boss makes a pass?" The answer is simple: Miss Rogers says, "She can run or stand still depending on what she wants." Good advice for the ages. 

Penney's has men's sport shirts for $2.98 & $3.98. Bruce Gilchrist has a new Chevy pick-up for $1823, and the Harris Food Mart has grapefruit 5 for 25 cents.  

You may have guessed by now that the paper I am quoting is an old paper. It is the December 17, 1957 edition. Reading through this paper leads me to a thought. All the troubles of the world are going to continue, the problems will be solved, or they won't. How is reading about it going to help? 

I come from a religious tradition that encourages the "little people" to watch world events in order to “be ready.” But we no longer remember what we are to get ready for. How can knowing about the crisis in Farawaystan really help me in my day to day life? It cannot, in fact it hinders it. 

Politics will remain a part of what I do here, but I think that while politics is an interesting hobby, stamp collecting might be more fun and more productive. And my children could sell the collection when I am gone. It is with great reluctance that I throw away the old paper, but it leaves me with an idea. Should I throw away today's paper too?


Blue on the Outside, Red on the Inside

The subtlety of the One World Order knows no bounds. The propaganda must start early. It was not enough that NBC had 8 years of highly rated communist propaganda directed at our youth, but they had to make it into a movie too. I am referring of course to the Smurfs.

Note that all the Smurfs dress alike, except for the leader—Papa Smurf—as some Smurfs are more equal than others. This shows the importance of a classless society. But as in the reality of such societies the leader is in charge. Doubt what I am saying? It is not a coincidence that Papa Smurf wears a red hat and has a Karl Marx beard. 

Each member of the village is known by his job or outstanding characteristics. Painter Smurf paints and Baker Smurf bakes. You are not an individual, you are a part of the collective, each living in identical mushrooms—wearing identical clothes. There is no need for money in the village-typical of communist propaganda. 

The creators of the cartoon do not even try to be subtle with regard to that arch villain of the Smurfs—Gargamel. He is obviously meant to represent the Republicans. There is even a resemblance between Gargamel and former president Bush. Both despise the working class represented by the Smurfs. Both are incompetent, and all their plans fail. Not even anti-semitism is beyond the Smurfs. Azrael (Israel) is the name of the Gargamel's pet cat—just as Israel is the surrogate who represents American interests in the Middle East.

The other issue is that the Smurfs are designed to increase the acceptance of homosexuality. The Smurfs are almost all men. This conditions our children to accept alternate life styles. Why else would they choose Neil Patrick Harris to be a "friend" of the Smurfs? 

Finally the 3D glasses are not Smurfy. These glasses allow the propaganda to bypass the conscious mind and it goes directly to the subconscious mind. This means our children cannot evaluate what they see. Keep your children home! 

Well at least they did not make a movie where Cowboys fight Aliens. On that we can be thankful. 


Keynes on the Gold Standard

It would be hard for anyone to be more wrong. When we said this gold was at £5 for one ounce, today, and the day is just begining, it is over £1,000. 

Fiat money always fails, always. For those of you that did not see this, here is a defense of the gold standard I shared two weeks ago